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Tata Tata Architects

Sekilas Tata Tata Architects

About us

TATA TATA Architects is a studio-based planning consultant who works on architectural, interior, landscape, and urban design designs. Located in Mataram and Kuta, Lombok, with a team of young architects, we dare to elaborate and create a new design vocabulary to realize the client's dream building.

Our Architect Advisor

Alv graduated from Brawijaya University in 2017. During his studies, he was an active member of internal and external organizations, including the Brawijaya University Architecture Student Association (HMA), Malang Berkebun, and Kolaborasi Komunitas Ngalam (KOKON). He has won numerous national architecture competitions, such as the Nippon Paint Young Designers Awards (NPYDA)/AYDA.

Alv interned as an assistant supervisor at PT. Buana Adi Karya Mandiri for the Permata Jingga Housing Project in Malang and as an urban designer and architect at PT. AECOM Indonesia in Jakarta, recommended by Sibarani Sofian. After graduating, Alv worked as an urban designer at PT. URBAN+ and as a project architect at Antara Architects with Irianto Purnomo Hadi. In 2020, he served as an Architect Expert for the National Project of Indonesia's Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) in Mandalika, Kuta Lombok. In 2021, Alv founded a small architecture studio in Lombok called Tata Tata Architects.


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